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Collaboration on Access to Lethal Means (CALM)

We are excited to invite Marisa Vicere from the Jana Marie Foundation back for a CALM Conversations training on Monday, January 13th from 3:00 – 4:30. We’ll have a brief CCIC4GS update and the move quickly into the training.

During the training, you will learn the signs and symptoms of suicide and how to engage in conversations to create safe environments. The training provides steps on how to collaborate with friends, family members, neighbors, and others, to implement safe storage of firearms and medications. To learn more about CALM, click here.

Why CALM training?

Guns are the most lethal means of suicide in Pennsylvania, with over 900 people committing suicide by firearm each year.  In Pennsylvania, the rate of gun suicide increased 19% from 2014 to 2023. Access to a firearm in your home triples the risk of suicide.

Questions? Please email us here.

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