Middle School Youth

Join our Middle School Youth program! Our Middle School youth are growing into their own, starting to take ownership of their UU learning and still enjoying fun and exploration. Through teacher guided learning, we help our 6th-8th grade youth to begin to deepen their UU faith and take leadership roles.

Current Program: Social Justice Focus

Every Sunday, 10:00 – 11:15 AM
Middle School youth will engage in a social justice and anti-racism program exploring various topics and working to take action. Part of the year will be spent in viewing and discussing the Netflix documentary, Stamped from the Beginning, based on the book by Ibram X. Kendi. Other topics of exploration will center on homelessness and climate justice.
Click here for all upcoming dates.

Signature Program: Crossing Paths

This program is offered about every 3 years.
Crossing Paths invites youth to explore the major world faith traditions and celebrates each faith’s unique aims and ends. Every world faith tradition was born in response to a distinct human struggle. We believe we honor religions best when we work to understand the particular challenge and aspiration to which each religion has devoted itself. So instead of using the metaphor of “One Mountain; Many Paths,” our program invites us to see the religious landscape as “Many Mountains, Many Paths” (religious pluralism).