Calendar of Events
S Sun
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9 events,
Sunday Service – “Paying Attention”
Sunday Service – “Paying Attention”
...with Rev. Tracy Sprowls. Margaret Renkl wrote, “The world lies before you, a lavish garden. However hobbled by waste, however fouled by graft and tainted by deception, it will always take your breath away. We were never cast out of Eden. We merely turned from it and shut our eyes. To return and be welcomed, cleansed and redeemed, we are only obliged to look.” Come, let us take a look.
RE Pre-K/K – “Friendship”
RE Pre-K/K – “Friendship”
Each week our kids will gather to explore our world in light of our UU values. Pre-K/K friends will engage in guided exploration of various topics with their wonderful teachers. Sue Smith and Rocky Landers, downstairs in Room D.
RE 1st-5th Grade: “Pluralism”
RE 1st-5th Grade: “Pluralism”
LEGO ValUUes Workshop 3 Value: Pluralism We welcome everyone who shares our values.
1 event,
Meditation Monday
Meditation Monday
Open to the public. Join Kelle Kersten on Zoom for a guided meditation during your lunch to center yourself for the coming week! Click here to join the Zoom meeting.
1 event,
Folk Dancers
Folk Dancers
Please join this group of folks passionate about dancing to international folk music. Explore different cultures through music and dance. *On 3rd Thursdays we ends at 5:30PM (in time for Fellowship Supper).
2 events,
Auction Committee Meeting
Auction Committee Meeting
Join the Auction Committee and help with the annual Service Auction. This year's Service Auction is on March 1st @ 6:00 PM! Committee meeting Zoom link - click here.
3 events,
Folk Dancers
Folk Dancers
Please join this group of folks passionate about dancing to international folk music. Explore different cultures through music and dance. *On 3rd Thursdays we ends at 5:30PM (in time for Fellowship Supper).
UUFCC Choir Rehearsal
UUFCC Choir Rehearsal
Performs for hymns and extra music during Sunday Services three times a month.
0 events,
1 event,
Educational Justice League
Educational Justice League
EJL’s mission is to establish a powerful social justice coalition that actively advocates for and promotes equity for marginalized populations. We are committed to addressing the unique challenges faced by communities of color, individuals who identify as women, LGBTQ+ individuals, promoting accessibility for people with disabilities, respecting and supporting individuals of all religions, and bridging the socioeconomic gap through equitable education.
8 events,
Sunday Service – “Inhabiting Our Freedom Dreams”
Sunday Service – “Inhabiting Our Freedom Dreams”
...with Rev. Tracy Sprowls. Side with Love is the Unitarian Universalist Association’s public advocacy organization that seeks to harness love’s power to stop oppression. Each year around this time they run the 30 days of love campaign. The theme this year is Inhabiting our Freedom Dreams. What's this look like in 2025? Today we celebrate Scout’s Day, usually celebrated on Feb 8. Wear your scout uniform!
RE 1st – 5th Grade: Multigenerational Sunday Service
RE 1st – 5th Grade: Multigenerational Sunday Service
All ages are invited into the Sanctuary for our Multi-generational services. December 15 - Holiday Play January 19 - MLK Service February 2 - Scouts Service April 20 - Easter Service May 18 - RE Sunday June 1 - Flower Celebration
RE Pre-K/K: “I Can Pretend”
RE Pre-K/K: “I Can Pretend”
Each week our kids will gather to explore our world in light of our UU values. Pre-K/K friends will engage in guided exploration of various topics with their wonderful teachers. Sue Smith and Rocky Landers, downstairs in Room D.
1 event,
Meditation Monday
Meditation Monday
Open to the public. Join Kelle Kersten on Zoom for a guided meditation during your lunch to center yourself for the coming week! Click here to join the Zoom meeting.
2 events,
Folk Dancers
Folk Dancers
Please join this group of folks passionate about dancing to international folk music. Explore different cultures through music and dance. *On 3rd Thursdays we ends at 5:30PM (in time for Fellowship Supper).
Founders Day Planning
Founders Day Planning
Help us brainstorm and plan for our 75th Anniversary, Founders Day. The meeting will be on Zoom here. If you cannot make this meeting, email us your ideas instead!
3 events,
Soulful Sundown – “Music Will Heal”
Soulful Sundown – “Music Will Heal”
...with Linda Bryce. Comforting, reassuring, peaceful song to help heal your heart, mind and spirit.
4 events,
Folk Dancers
Folk Dancers
Please join this group of folks passionate about dancing to international folk music. Explore different cultures through music and dance. *On 3rd Thursdays we ends at 5:30PM (in time for Fellowship Supper).
UUFCC Choir Rehearsal
UUFCC Choir Rehearsal
Performs for hymns and extra music during Sunday Services three times a month.
0 events,
2 events,
Parents’ Night Out – Toddler through 5th Grade
Parents’ Night Out – Toddler through 5th Grade
Parents, drop your kids off with our childcare providers for an evening of fun games, dinner, and a movie while you have some time for you! Sign up here for February:
Jazz Band Dance
Jazz Band Dance
Music styles including swing, rock, Latin and pop for your dancing pleasure. A donation for the food bank is the price of admission. Bring your friends have a good time and kick up your heels!
7 events,
RE Pre-K/K: “I Can Love, How We Show Love”
RE Pre-K/K: “I Can Love, How We Show Love”
Each week our kids will gather to explore our world in light of our UU values. Pre-K/K friends will engage in guided exploration of various topics with their wonderful teachers. Sue Smith and Rocky Landers, downstairs in Room D.
RE 1st-5th Grade: “Pluralism”
RE 1st-5th Grade: “Pluralism”
LEGO ValUUes Workshop 4 Value: Pluralism We honor many spiritual practices.
RE Middle School Class (6th-8th Grade)
RE Middle School Class (6th-8th Grade)
Session One: Listening to the Wisdom Within (from October packet)
2 events,
Meditation Monday
Meditation Monday
Open to the public. Join Kelle Kersten on Zoom for a guided meditation during your lunch to center yourself for the coming week! Click here to join the Zoom meeting.
Centre County Interfaith Coalition for Gun Safety
Centre County Interfaith Coalition for Gun Safety
The Centre County Interfaith Coalition for Gun Safety is an alliance of local religious leaders and community members committed to building a peaceful society free from preventable gun violence. Through our work, we educate on issues related to gun violence, advocate for responsible and safe gun ownership, and unite with local, state, and federal officials on matters of gun safety that benefit the whole community.
2 events,
Folk Dancers
Folk Dancers
Please join this group of folks passionate about dancing to international folk music. Explore different cultures through music and dance. *On 3rd Thursdays we ends at 5:30PM (in time for Fellowship Supper).
1 event,
4 events,
Folk Dancers
Folk Dancers
Please join this group of folks passionate about dancing to international folk music. Explore different cultures through music and dance. *On 3rd Thursdays we ends at 5:30PM (in time for Fellowship Supper).
UUFCC Choir Rehearsal
UUFCC Choir Rehearsal
Performs for hymns and extra music during Sunday Services three times a month.
1 event,
Song Circle
Song Circle
The UUFCC Song Circle offers a fun, monthly opportunity to make music together with voices, guitars, banjos, ukuleles, drums, kazoos, etc. Anyone from the Fellowship or local community can join us to play, sing, or listen. We go around the circle with each person choosing the next song, either from our song-books or a song they brought to share. Contact Pam Short for more information.
2 events,
Educational Justice League
Educational Justice League
EJL’s mission is to establish a powerful social justice coalition that actively advocates for and promotes equity for marginalized populations. We are committed to addressing the unique challenges faced by communities of color, individuals who identify as women, LGBTQ+ individuals, promoting accessibility for people with disabilities, respecting and supporting individuals of all religions, and bridging the socioeconomic gap through equitable education.
Middle School Hangout
Middle School Hangout
Middle School youth are invited for a monthly hangout to begin Nov 23! The youth will meet downstairs at the UU in the Gathering Space from 5-7 pm and play games, eat pizza, and just have fun. If you are a parent who would like to volunteer one month to sign up and plan to stay at the Fellowship during the hangout so that there are two adults present and to bring pizza for that month, please sign-up here:
8 events,
Sunday Service – “That Time the Rabbi Spiked the Punch”
Sunday Service – “That Time the Rabbi Spiked the Punch”
...with Rev. Misha Sanders Why water into wine? Did Jesus choose the theme of his first miracle just to show everyone how much value he placed on having a good party? Maybe it was much deeper than that. Maybe not. Let’s have some fun talking about it! Rev. Misha Sanders (she/her/hers), is a community chaplain in Metro Atlanta, Georgia. She is a fiery preacher of the good news of Unitarian Universalism, and believes that the whole world is built and rebuilt by the stories we tell ourselves and each other.
RE Pre-K/K: “Differences Are Important”
RE Pre-K/K: “Differences Are Important”
Each week our kids will gather to explore our world in light of our UU values. Pre-K/K friends will engage in guided exploration of various topics with their wonderful teachers. Sue Smith and Rocky Landers, downstairs in Room D.
RE 1st-5th Grade: “Generosity (in Community)”
RE 1st-5th Grade: “Generosity (in Community)”
LEGO ValUUes Workshop 5 Value: Generosity (in Community) We create community when everyone shares something.
1 event,
Meditation Monday
Meditation Monday
Open to the public. Join Kelle Kersten on Zoom for a guided meditation during your lunch to center yourself for the coming week! Click here to join the Zoom meeting.
2 events,
Folk Dancers
Folk Dancers
Please join this group of folks passionate about dancing to international folk music. Explore different cultures through music and dance. *On 3rd Thursdays we ends at 5:30PM (in time for Fellowship Supper).
4 events,
Lunch with Tracy
Lunch with Tracy
Enjoy lunch with Rev Tracy and bring whatever topic you'd like to chat about! Open to all ages. Bring your own lunch.
5 events,
Folk Dancers
Folk Dancers
Please join this group of folks passionate about dancing to international folk music. Explore different cultures through music and dance. *On 3rd Thursdays we ends at 5:30PM (in time for Fellowship Supper).
Fellowship Supper
Fellowship Supper
Join us for a community potluck each month in Fellowship Hall! This is a wonderful time out to connect with UUFCC friends, eat a delicious meal, and celebrate birthdays of the month.
1 event,
Rev. Tracy at Foxdale
Rev. Tracy at Foxdale
Rev. Tracy visits with the residents of Foxdale on the third Friday of each month. The meetings are free-flowing conversations on topics ranging from Unitarian Universalism to local news and world issues.
0 events,
8 events,
RE Pre-K/K: “I Was a Baby Once”
RE Pre-K/K: “I Was a Baby Once”
Each week our kids will gather to explore our world in light of our UU values. Pre-K/K friends will engage in guided exploration of various topics with their wonderful teachers. Sue Smith and Rocky Landers, downstairs in Room D.
RE 1st-5th Grade: “Generosity (individual)”
RE 1st-5th Grade: “Generosity (individual)”
"LEGO ValUUes Workshop 6 Value: Generosity (individual) Generosity isn’t always easy."
1 event,
Meditation Monday
Meditation Monday
Open to the public. Join Kelle Kersten on Zoom for a guided meditation during your lunch to center yourself for the coming week! Click here to join the Zoom meeting.
1 event,
Folk Dancers
Folk Dancers
Please join this group of folks passionate about dancing to international folk music. Explore different cultures through music and dance. *On 3rd Thursdays we ends at 5:30PM (in time for Fellowship Supper).
2 events,
Women’s Book Club
Women’s Book Club
We are a women's book club that meet on the fourth Wednesday of every month at 7:00 PM. We choose our books once a year, and the person who recommends the book generally leads the discussion. The group is hosted by a different member each month. New members and visitors are welcome at any meeting. This month's book is:
4 events,
Folk Dancers
Folk Dancers
Please join this group of folks passionate about dancing to international folk music. Explore different cultures through music and dance. *On 3rd Thursdays we ends at 5:30PM (in time for Fellowship Supper).
UUFCC Choir Rehearsal
UUFCC Choir Rehearsal
Performs for hymns and extra music during Sunday Services three times a month.