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End Gun Violence Advocacy Day

Last year, 500 Pennsylvanians descended on Harrisburg, demanding an end to gun violence. Soon after, the first bipartisan policies in years passed the PA House.

Join us on Tuesday, May 7th as we continue our life-saving work, use this link to register https://act.ceasefirepa.org/a/advocacyday24?ms=CCIC4GS.


9:00 – 9:30 AM: Arrive in Harrisburg, Check-In

10:00 – 11:45 AM: Advocacy Meetings & Drop-Bys with Legislative Offices (meetings scheduled on your behalf)

12:00 – 1:00 PM: End Gun Violence Rally/Press Event on the Front Steps of the Capitol (tentative timing)

Carpooling: Meet at UUFCC at 7:15 am to carpool down to Harrisburg

Please contact Ashley Hamlin (ahamlin@uufcc.com, 509-339-9389) to RSVP by Monday, May 6

  1. Can you drive and how many people does your car hold?
  2. Do you need a ride?

Contact Info

UUFCC, 780 Waupelani Dr, State College, PA 16801

Phone: +1 (814) 237-7605

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