Events for December 21, 2024

Event Series RE Kids and Youth

RE Kids & Youth

Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Centre County 780 Waupelani Drive, State College

Pre-K and Kindergarten will meet downstairs in Room D at 10 am with Sue and Rocky. Please sign in and sign out downstairs in Room D. 1st through 5th grade kids will start in the sanctuary and leave after the Wisdom Lesson. Sign in at the welcome table before the service and sign out downstairs by 11:15 am!

Event Series Lifespan RE Hour

Hot Topics: White Christian Nationalism

University Baptist and Brethren Church 411 S Burrowes St, State College

For our December Hot Topics, we are joining University Baptist and Brethren for a presentation on White Christian Nationalism featuring Dr. Esther Prins Dr. Esther Prins, White Christian Nationalism: What is it and how should Christians respond?  This presentation will explore what White Christian nationalism is—and what it is not. Learn how education is showing up in current events (particularly in education) and reflect on why Christians should care and how we can work to counteract this powerful religio-political movement. Esther Prins is a professor in the Lifelong Learning and Adult Education Program at Penn State. Her research focuses on adult [...]

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