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The Centre County Interfaith Coalition for Gun Safety is an alliance of local religious leaders and community members committed to building a peaceful society free from preventable gun violence. Through our work, we educate on issues related to gun violence, advocate for responsible and safe gun ownership, and unite with local, state, and federal officials on matters of gun safety that benefit the whole community.
Now is the time to shed. If you are able, save donations until Sunday, August 11. We will be able to pick up items for people during Aug. 11-15. However, if you are moving or pushed, Bonnie Rossi has made room in the building to store some items, even some larger ones, until the sale -- starting now. Please don't bring items early unless you have no alternative. We take almost any items in good condition except clothing, outdated technology and protective gear, as well as items too heavy or bulky to handle and sell (e.g. exercise equipment). Check with Cee […]
Our Location
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Centre County
780 Waupelani Dr, State College, PA 16801
Office Open Hours:
Tuesday & Thursday:
10:00 AM – 3:00 PM