Week of Events
Prayer Service and Panel Discussion on Anti-Semitism
Prayer Service and Panel Discussion on Anti-Semitism
On Sunday November 12 at 2:00 pm, Congregation Brit Shalom will be holding a memorial service/panel discussion to commemorate the 85th year since Kristallnacht and the 5th year since the Tree of Life tragedy. The panel discussion will focus on the current state of antisemitism in the United States. Rabbi David Ostrich will speak about the challenges facing congregations in the face of anti-Semitic sentiment. Rabbi Rob Gleisser will address antisemitism on college campuses; and Emma Baer-Simon will discuss antisemitism on social media.
Memoirs Group
Memoirs Group
Each attendee is free to share a memory with the group or just listen. Our purpose is to encourage people to record their memories to share with friends and family and to develop a sense of fellowship with one another. Any and all are welcome. Contact Mike Bourgo.
Fellowship Supper
Fellowship Supper
Join us for a community potluck each month in Fellowship Hall! This is a wonderful time out to connect with UUFCC friends, eat a delicious meal, and celebrate birthdays of the month.
Wheel of the Year: Generosity
Wheel of the Year
Lunch with Tracy
Lunch with Tracy
Bring your lunch and hang out with Rev. Tracy for an hour of conversation. All ages are welcome!
Breaking Barriers, Building Beliefs (B4) Workshop
Breaking Barriers, Building Beliefs (B4) Workshop
On Saturday, November 18, 10am-2:30pm, UUFCC will host Breaking Barriers, Building Beliefs (B4) offered by the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) for congregations searching for a new minister. The B4 workshop is another opportunity for everyone in our congregation to participate in our search. This will be an interactive workshop with childcare, snacks and lunch provided. Please contact Jamie Stitzer at ministersearch@uufcc.com or 814-325-1040 to let the Ministerial Search Committee know that you will attend, so we can arrange food and childcare as needed. We ask that all participants fill out the Beliefs pre-workshop survey prior to attending the B4 Workshop. The [...]