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Event Series Event Series: Hot Topics

Join us for a dynamic panel discussion about the housing crisis in Centre County! We will use the 2023 Centre County Housing Needs Assessment and stories from people impacted to frame the problem. Then, we will draw insights from local leaders who are on the front lines of the issue, as well as a national perspective from the organization Strong Towns, on how to best address the crisis.

Panelists include:

Matt Herndon, State College Borough Council member

Matt will share his considerable knowledge of the innovative ways housing is being addressed nationally. He will also convey his vision for how the State College area could become a place where people of all income levels have access to housing.  


Robert Zeigler, Millheim Borough Council Member

Robert is a community leader and working-class advocate. He is known for his willingness to engage with those who have differing views, thinking outside the box, and providing solutions to problems.  


Morgan Wasikonis, Executive Director, Housing Transitions and Home Foundation

Housing Transitions helps those in a housing crisis with various services in Centre County. The HOME Foundation emphasizes affordable housing, offering a first-time homebuyer program, housing counseling, and income-qualified rental units. Morgan will share her vast knowledge of homelessness and housing insecurity in the area that is often hidden and more widespread than people think. 


Krista Shawley, Shelter Director, CentreSafe

CentreSafe offers an emergency shelter and other services for people in the area leaving situations of domestic violence or who are survivors of sexual assault. Krista will share her experiences working with and finding housing for some of our most vulnerable residents.


Blake Harper, KTFG Real Estate

Blake has eighteen (18) years of experience in residential rental property ownership and management. He’s an advocate for inclusive communities, zoning reform, walkable neighborhoods, and preventative maintenance.


Moderated by Jenna Henry, Director, Central Pennsylvania United

Jenna will share some of her personal experiences living in poverty in addition to guiding the conversation of the panel. She is a lifelong resident of Centre County who now advocates for the issues of poor and working class people. 

Contact Info

UUFCC, 780 Waupelani Dr, State College, PA 16801

Phone: +1 (814) 237-7605

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