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Mardi Gras in May Auction is in need of your Time, Talent and Treasures. The UUFCC will be hosting the annual Auction online starting April 28th with a transition to a live event May 4th at 6:00 pm.
Click here to register for the online portion of the Auction.

Donate your time, talent, and treasures by filling out this form and dropping it in the box at the fellowship or emailing it and any questions to uufccauction@gmail.com. You can also check with local businesses or friends to see if they would like to donate as well.

Childcare will be provided and we are looking for volunteers to help with food for the auction and setup/clean up. Signup will be in the community room on Sundays after service.

Any questions or concerns please contact Bonnie Rossi 540-834-7060.

Contact Info

UUFCC, 780 Waupelani Dr, State College, PA 16801

Phone: +1 (814) 237-7605

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