Events for December 18, 2024


UUA General Assembly 2024

General Assembly is coming up June 20-23. General Assembly (GA) is the annual meeting of our Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA). Participants worship, witness, learn, connect, and make policy for the Association through democratic process. Join thousands of other UUs from around the country. Anyone may attend! GA is virtual only this year. For more information go to

Event Series Sunday Worship

Sunday Service – “GA Sunday Worship 2024”

Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Centre County 780 Waupelani Drive, State College

Join us in the UUFCC Sanctuary to watch the recording of GA Sunday Worship! (From UUA:) "Embrace the electrifying spirit of the year's largest UU gathering, where we come together in unity for an awe-inspiring Sunday worship celebration like no other! It's a vibrant, communal worship experience that promises to uplift your soul and ignite your passion. And here's the thrilling part – everyone is invited to be a part of this event through a live stream accessible to the public. Don't miss out on this extraordinary gathering of hearts and minds!"

Event Series Summer RE for Kids

Summer RE for Kids

Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Centre County 780 Waupelani Drive, State College

Join Sarah Diaz this Sunday to make a cool summer sorbet and a craft/discussion project around summer fun!     If you have a skill that you would like to share, please sign up to lead a RE summer session.  Contact Ashley with any questions: (

Event Series UUFCC Jazz Band Rehearsals

UUFCC Jazz Band Rehearsal

UUFCC - Sanctuary 780 Waupelani Drive, State College

The UUFCC Jazz Band is open to all. Rehearsals occur on Sundays in the Sanctuary, although occasionally the band may rehearse in Room 6 due to major church events. Contact David Morris if interested.

UUFCC Resilience and Acceptance Discussion Group

UUFCC - Room B 780 Waupelani Drive, State College

The participants of the UUFCC Resilience and Acceptance in the Face of Collapse course (which met from October 2023-February 2024) would like to invite UUFCC members and others to participate in the UUFCC Resilience and Acceptance Discussion Group. The purpose of this group is to create a safe and stimulating space for exploring resilience and acceptance in the face of the collapse of modern civilization and for supporting each other in making changes in our lives and communities to lessen the impact of collapse. “Resilience” includes both the capacity within each of us to allow and stay with difficult emotions while [...]

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