RE Middle School Class (6th-8th Grade)
RE Middle School Class (6th-8th Grade)
Session Five: Inviting People (Sharing our Faith) from September packet
Session Five: Inviting People (Sharing our Faith) from September packet
Our Whole Lives (OWL), is a comprehensive sexuality education program that is a signature curriculum of the UUA and the United Church of Christ. It is a life-saving course that helps kids explore their values around their bodies, identities, relationships, health, and justice and equity. They engage in highly interactive activities and discussions which give them age-appropriate information and decision-making skills so that they can feel empowered to stand up for themselves and others and navigate relationships according to their values. 4th-5th grade - Workshop 9&10: Consent and Peer Pressure, Healthy Relationships and Celebrations 7th-8th grade - Workshop 14&15: Sexuality, Social […]
Session One: Listening to the Wisdom Within (from October packet)
Middle School youth are invited for a monthly hangout to begin Nov 23! The youth will meet downstairs at the UU in the Gathering Space from 5-7 pm and play games, eat pizza, and just have fun. If you are a parent who would like to volunteer one month to sign up and plan to stay at the Fellowship during the hangout so that there are two adults present and to bring pizza for that month, please sign-up here:
Session Two: Listening to The Un-Listened To (from October packet)
Our Location
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Centre County
780 Waupelani Dr, State College, PA 16801
Office Open Hours:
Tuesday & Thursday:
10:00 AM – 3:00 PM