7 events found.
Pre-K/Kindergarten: Differences Are Important
UUFCC - Gathering Space and Room D 780 Waupelani Drive, State CollegeWeek of Events
Child Care
Pre-K/Kindergarten: Differences Are Important
Pre-K/Kindergarten: Differences Are Important
Parents sign-in and out downstairs in Room D Celebrate our differences!
RE Elementary: Jewish High Holy Days
RE Elementary: Jewish High Holy Days
Join us in the service, then we'll go downstairs to explore Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur!
Parents’ Night Out – Toddler through 5th Grade
Parents’ Night Out – Toddler through 5th Grade
Parents, drop your kids off with our childcare providers for an evening of fun games, dinner, and a movie while you have some time for you! Sign up here for October: https://uufcc.breezechms.com/form/PNOOct24