
Major event to be highlighted

Diving Deep Potluck & Annual Meeting


June 25, 2024, is the 4th Tuesday of the month and the time Diving Deep has traditionally met for more than 30 years. Diving Deep is UUFCC’s women’s book discussion group founded in 1992 by Marian Dornell. This month we will return to our customary potluck prior to the annual meeting where we pitch our favorite reads and select the book titles for the coming year. We will also engage in some organizational housekeeping such as calendaring, deciding on meeting format, and leadership. Please bring a dish/finger food to share, a book title to pitch, and join us at the Fellowship [...]

Diving Deep Potluck & Annual Meeting2024-06-05T11:53:17-04:00

Sunday Service – “Living in Harmony: Easier Sung Than Done”


...with David Roth This morning David will sing and speak about finding harmony through thought, intention, and action in a complicated world. The subject matter of his songs is wide-ranging, and David mindfully looks for the good that can be found in these polarizing times.

Sunday Service – “Living in Harmony: Easier Sung Than Done”2024-06-05T11:50:49-04:00

Sunday Service – “On Being an Ally”


...with Mark Hayes, Michel Lee Garrett, and Tracy Sprowls What is an ally and how can we be allies to our LGBTQ+ friends? This pride day wear your rainbow colors, show your pride, and let’s dance! ~Orange is a color in the rainbow and also is worn to bring awareness to gun safety. Wear orange on Sunday and join in the group picture we will send to UUJusticePA~

Sunday Service – “On Being an Ally”2024-05-29T12:49:03-04:00

Sunday Service (multigenerational) – “Flower Celebration – Spirit of Life”


...with Rev. Tracy Sprowls and Ashley Hamlin, DLRE The Unitarian Universalist Flower Ceremony originated in 1923 with Rev. Dr. Norbert Capeck, a Czechoslovakian and a Unitarian Minister. The ceremony is an annual ritual that celebrates beauty, human uniqueness, diversity, and community. Our theme this year comes from the hymn, Spirit of Life. Bring a flower or flowers to share!

Sunday Service (multigenerational) – “Flower Celebration – Spirit of Life”2024-05-29T11:11:52-04:00

UUFCC @ State College Pride!


Join us to celebrate State College Pride! Sign up here to help design our float for the parade and/or help at our table. Click here for our weekly meetings on Wednesdays at 5:30PM (for half an hour) over Zoom to get up to date and share ideas. Please talk to Rev. Tracy for more information.

UUFCC @ State College Pride!2024-05-21T14:52:45-04:00

End of Year Celebration and Picnic


Join us after the Annual Meeting and Flower Celebration Service for a picnic and celebratory fun! The UUFCC board will provide a sandwich bar and everyone is invited to bring a dish to share. We will have a bouncy house and water slide, so kids are encouraged to wear clothes that can get wet, or bring bathing suits and towels. We will celebrate all our RE kids' birthdays with a giant cake. Contact Ashley Hamlin for more information:

End of Year Celebration and Picnic2024-05-29T12:23:32-04:00

Sunday Service – “Crossing to the Promised Land: Humanitarian Crisis on the Border 2.0”


...with Elaine Jurs and Peter Jurs. We will take you to the Arizona border where immigrants are turning themselves in to the border patrol to enter the asylum system. We will share our own recent experiences there with Samaritans providing humanitarian aid to migrants. You will watch a video clip from the PBS News hour with Amna Nawaz at the border wall.

Sunday Service – “Crossing to the Promised Land: Humanitarian Crisis on the Border 2.0”2024-05-22T13:44:41-04:00

Sunday Service (Multigenerational) – “Our Journey Together This Year”


...with Rev. Tracy Sprowls and Ashley Hamlin, DLRE Join us as we celebrate the wonder, growth, and joy we've encountered over this past year and celebrate two new babies, two HS graduates, and all of our families, kids, and adults as we've traveled together to learn, love, and be transformed.

Sunday Service (Multigenerational) – “Our Journey Together This Year”2024-05-10T12:08:04-04:00
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