Sunday Service – “Our Living Tradition”
admin2023-10-25T11:55:41-04:00A service of gratitude for where you have been, who you are now, and where you might be headed. This service will end at 10:45 for the chili cook-off and the mid-year meeting.
A service of gratitude for where you have been, who you are now, and where you might be headed. This service will end at 10:45 for the chili cook-off and the mid-year meeting.
Scary stories help us know fear in our bodies and how to use our intellect and our innate resilience to overcome it. There is plenty to fear in the real world. While we can’t fix everything, we can become more resilient and more compassionate. Scary stories can help.
Our Location
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Centre County
780 Waupelani Dr, State College, PA 16801
Office Open Hours:
Tuesday & Thursday:
10:00 AM – 3:00 PM