General Donations to UUFCC
Support the daily life and activities of the Fellowship. Click each section below to read how.
Helping other people and organizations
Annual pledging
The primary source of funding for UUFCC is financial pledges from members and friends who provide the reliable support that maintains the Fellowship as part of our lives and a valuable presence in the larger community. Pledging at UUFCC is very similar to the “recurring gifts” that many charitable organizations encourage as part of fundraising.
Pledging and planning ahead for a year’s gifts to UUFCC can also help givers take full advantage of tax breaks for charitable donations.
Every spring we ask members and friends for pledges of support that are considered in budgeting for the new fiscal year that starts July 1. New members are strongly encouraged to make a pledge of financial support when they sign the book and commit to our community. If their financial situation changes, members can easily change their pledge by contacting the Minister or Treasurer.
Pledges can be paid all at once, as recurring weekly or monthly payments, or at any time you choose, in any amount you choose.
Wanting to pay your pledge? Use any of the payment methods outlined under the General Donations section above, making sure to write “pledge payment” in the comments (online giving) or memo line (checks).
Check out the 2023-2024 Pledge Campaign.