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The participants of the UUFCC Resilience and Acceptance in the Face of Collapse course (which met from October 2023-February 2024) would like to invite UUFCC members and others to participate in the UUFCC Resilience and Acceptance Discussion Group.

The purpose of this group is to create a safe and stimulating space for exploring resilience and acceptance in the face of the collapse of modern civilization and for supporting each other in making changes in our lives and communities to lessen the impact of collapse. “Resilience” includes both the capacity within each of us to allow and stay with difficult emotions while also remaining grounded, as well as the actions we take with other people to meet challenges in our communities. “Collapse
acceptance” means acknowledging that the collapse of modern industrial civilization is real and already happening and recognizing our inability to stop it. We don’t know if it will lead to the extinction of humans, but it will bring about “The End Of The World As We Know It.” Collapse acceptance involves embracing what is coming to an end, living fully in this present moment, and co-creating a new way of being, relating, organizing, and responding (acting) in these times.

If you are interested in participating in our discussions, please join us on the fourth Sunday of every month in Room B.

Contact Info

UUFCC, 780 Waupelani Dr, State College, PA 16801

Phone: +1 (814) 237-7605

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