Events for March 27, 2025

(I&D) Imagine with Beans Vegetarian Potluck Dinner

UUFCC - Fellowship Hall 780 Waupelani Drive, State College

Imagine with Beans Vegetarian Potluck Dinner   +  The congregation and their friends are invited   +  We encourage people to bring a vegetarian dish of their choice to share   +  Fill out provided labels for major allergens   +  There will be some information and activity tables on the theme   +  Some drinks provided; BYO okay   +  Youth group fundraiser will offer some dessert options. More details may be found at: This event is part of the Imagine & Dream Lantern Festival 2024. See webguide at: Gallery of event flyers at: All-ages Fellowship and Community events [...]

IMAGINE & DREAM Lantern Festival 2024 (I&D)

Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Centre County 780 Waupelani Drive, State College

This event spans Saturday and Sunday (Feb 24 - 25). Webguide at: Gallery of event flyers at: All-ages Fellowship and Community events to celebrate and grow our abilities to imagine, dream, and create positive change. IMAGINE like John Lennon, DREAM like Martin Luther King Jr. Rekindle your dreams! Saturday Activities Imagine with Beans Potluck Dinner, 5:30-6:30 pm Imagine with Drums Drumming Circle, 6:45-8:15 pm Lantern-Making Activities & Religious Exploration UUseum Stations, 6:30-8:15 pm Community-Built Lantern Garden, 6:30-8:40 pm Lantern Walk, 8:15-8:40 pm Youth Group DIY-Music Meetup, 8:45-10:00 pm Sunday Activities Multigen Sunday Service: "Closer to be Free to be [...]

(I&D) Lantern-Making Activities & Religious Exploration UUseum Stations

Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Centre County 780 Waupelani Drive, State College

This event is part of the Imagine & Dream Lantern Festival 2024. See webguide at: Gallery of event flyers at: All-ages Fellowship and Community events to celebrate and grow our abilities to imagine, dream, and create positive change

(I&D) Community-built Lantern Garden

Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Centre County 780 Waupelani Drive, State College

This event is part of the Imagine & Dream Lantern Festival 2024. See webguide at: Gallery of event flyers at: All-ages Fellowship and Community events to celebrate and grow our abilities to imagine, dream, and create positive change

(I&D) Multigenerational Drum Circle

UUFCC - Sanctuary 780 Waupelani Drive, State College

All ages and abilities are invited to join the UUFCC drum leaders Tim and Rachel for some audible community creativity with glow sticks and special sound-responsive lighting.  People are encouraged to bring their own portable drums, but there is no requirement to do so, and we will have some spares on hand. More details found at: This event is part of the Imagine & Dream Lantern Festival 2024. See webguide at: Gallery of event flyers at: All-ages Fellowship and Community events to celebrate and grow our abilities to imagine, dream, and create positive change

(I&D) Lantern Walk

Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Centre County 780 Waupelani Drive, State College

This event is part of the Imagine & Dream Lantern Festival 2024. See webguide at: Gallery of event flyers at: All-ages Fellowship and Community events to celebrate and grow our abilities to imagine, dream, and create positive change

(I&D) Youth Group DIY Music Meetup

Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Centre County 780 Waupelani Drive, State College

This event is part of the Imagine & Dream Lantern Festival 2024. See webguide at: Gallery of event flyers at: All-ages Fellowship and Community events to celebrate and grow our abilities to imagine, dream, and create positive change

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