Lifespan Religious Exploration
RE Pre-K/Kindergarten Kids – Trees!
UUFCC - Gathering Space and Room D 780 Waupelani Drive, State College, PA, United StatesThis week our Pre-K/K friends will explore Trees. Sign in downstairs in Room D.
RE 1st – 5th Grade Kids: Exploring What We’ve Learned This Year
UUFCC - Gathering Space 780 Waupelani Drive, State College, PA, United StatesJoin us as we prepare for our Lifespan Religious Education Service on May 19. This service will be led by our kids and we will spend time talking about what we've learned this year and how we can share that with our congregation.
Intergenerational Music program
UUFCC - Gathering Space 780 Waupelani Drive, State College, PA, United StatesJoin Colleen and Ashley as we have fun learning new songs to sing for our Multi-generational Sunday services: Earth Day Service on April 21, Lifespan RE Service on May 19, and Flower Celebration Service on June 2. We’ll continue our journey of Social Justice Music through the span of Black American history as well as add new songs for Earth Day and Flower Celebration. Please register to join!
Meditation Monday
Open to the public. Join Kelle Kersten on Zoom for a guided meditation during your lunch to center yourself for the coming week! Click here to join the Zoom meeting.
Parents’ Night Out
UUFCC - Fellowship Hall 780 Waupelani Drive, State College, PA, United StatesParents' Night Out! Just drop your kids off to play and build fun connections with other friends and enjoy some time out for yourself! We will provide games, crafts, dinner, and a movie.
Child Care
UUFCC - Room C 780 Waupelani Drive, State College, PA, United StatesRE Pre-K/Kindergarten Kids – Mother’s Day and Families
UUFCC - Gathering Space and Room D 780 Waupelani Drive, State College, PA, United StatesThis week our Pre-K/K friends will explore Mother's Day and who comprises our families. Sign in downstairs in Room D.
RE 1st – 5th Grade Kids – What Makes a Family?
UUFCC - Sanctuary first, then Gathering SpaceWe will start in the sanctuary for the Wisdom Lesson - sign-in at the Welcome Table. This Sunday we will create art expressing what makes a family and all the different ways to be a family.
Mother’s Day Pancake Breakfast ~ Youth Fundraiser
UUFCC - Fellowship Hall 780 Waupelani Drive, State College, PA, United StatesEnjoy fresh made pancakes after the service on Mother's Day. The youth will be selling pancakes to help raise funds for their Urban Work Service Trip, so please support their important effort!