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Event Series Sunday Worship

Sunday Service – “Our Stories”

UUFCC - Sanctuary 780 Waupelani Drive, State College, PA, United States

...with Gretchen Kuldau and members of the Board Sharing our stories is a threshold into who we are, what has shaped us, our hopes and dreams. This morning, we kick off a year of storytelling that will shape a new mission and vision and which culminates in our 75th anniversary on May 4.

Event Series Sunday Worship

Sunday Service – “Climate Justice Revival”

UUFCC - Sanctuary 780 Waupelani Drive, State College, PA, United States

Our congregation is joining UUs across the land to revive our commitment to climate justice. September 28, 2024 -  Interactive workshops for all ages September 29, 2024 - Worship followed by an advocacy hour This is an all-church and all-ages event. All of us will learn new frameworks at the intersection of climate and justice and have the chance to weave together the threads that have always linked our deepest commitments.

Event Series Sunday Worship

Sunday Service – “Indigenous Peoples Day”

UUFCC - Sanctuary 780 Waupelani Drive, State College, PA, United States

with Rev. Tracy Belonging may be about being part of something greater than ourselves and yet often our culture turns belonging into a material transaction- such as, this belongs to me. On October 13, we honor Indigenous People’s Day with a service that considers the question who does the land belong to? What should we be considering around land issues where some believe the land belongs to them and others believe they belong to the land?

Event Series Sunday Worship

Sunday Service – “Radical Hospitality”

UUFCC - Sanctuary 780 Waupelani Drive, State College, PA, United States

with Rev. Tracy Sprowls How do we create the biggest and widest circle of inclusivity? How do we welcome all when we feel unsafe or unsure? Does radical hospitality encourage and support belonging or can it still leave some out? On October 20, we will celebrate our animal companions with our annual animal blessing. For this service, people are welcome to bring well-behaved animals either leashed or secured in a carrier. We also encourage pictures of animals (alive or deceased) and stuffed lovies too. If you are uncomfortable with animals, please join us on zoom!

Event Series Sunday Worship

Sunday Service – “Belonging in a Divided World”

UUFCC - Sanctuary 780 Waupelani Drive, State College, PA, United States

with Rev. Tracy Sprowls On October 27, we will have the first of three sermons that are focused on the election. When we are so divided in this country, how do we find and develop a sense of belonging? Wear a costume if you like and parade with the children for our annual Halloween Parade.

Event Series Sunday Worship

Sunday Service – “The Power and Privilege of Democracy”

Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Centre County 780 Waupelani Drive, State College, PA, United States

...with Rev. Tracy Sprowls. Rev. Tracy and David are officially registered to vote in PA, in fact it was the first thing they did when they moved here. Rev. Tracy has also been very active getting out the vote like many of you. This morning we talk about the power and privileges of democracy that includes the vote.

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