UUFCC – Sanctuary

Event Series UUFCC Jazz Band Rehearsals

UUFCC Jazz Band Rehearsal

UUFCC - Sanctuary 780 Waupelani Drive, State College, PA, United States

The UUFCC Jazz Band is open to all. Rehearsals occur on Sundays in the Sanctuary, although occasionally the band may rehearse in Room 6 due to major church events. Contact David Morris if interested.

Event Series Sunday Worship

Sunday Service – “OUUR History Through Hymns”

UUFCC - Sanctuary 780 Waupelani Drive, State College, PA, United States

...with Rev. Tracy Sprowls.  Rev. Kimberley Debus suggests there is a clear arc of our Unitarian Universalist values seen in our hymns throughout our history. Where have we come from and where are we today, especially as we vote on Article II at General Assembly in June? More information about Article II here.

Event Series UUFCC Jazz Band Rehearsals

UUFCC Jazz Band Rehearsal

UUFCC - Sanctuary 780 Waupelani Drive, State College, PA, United States

The UUFCC Jazz Band is open to all. Rehearsals occur on Sundays in the Sanctuary, although occasionally the band may rehearse in Room 6 due to major church events. Contact David Morris if interested.

Event Series Sunday Worship

Sunday Service – “Finding Focus”

UUFCC - Sanctuary 780 Waupelani Drive, State College, PA, United States

...with Rev. Tracy Sprowls.  Attention spans are shorter, young children exposed to screens are less verbal, and teenagers struggle with mental illness or isolation. Is technology and social media the culprit? How does technology change our brains? How does it affect our ability to relate as humans? What about our spiritual lives? This sermon idea comes from Peter Kemper who bought the sermon at the 2023 Service Auction.

Event Series UUFCC Jazz Band Rehearsals

UUFCC Jazz Band Rehearsal

UUFCC - Sanctuary 780 Waupelani Drive, State College, PA, United States

The UUFCC Jazz Band is open to all. Rehearsals occur on Sundays in the Sanctuary, although occasionally the band may rehearse in Room 6 due to major church events. Contact David Morris if interested.

Event Series UUFCC Jazz Band Rehearsals

UUFCC Jazz Band Rehearsal

UUFCC - Sanctuary 780 Waupelani Drive, State College, PA, United States

The UUFCC Jazz Band is open to all. Rehearsals occur on Sundays in the Sanctuary, although occasionally the band may rehearse in Room 6 due to major church events. Contact David Morris if interested.

Event Series Sunday Worship

Sunday Service – “Committing to Community”

UUFCC - Sanctuary 780 Waupelani Drive, State College, PA, United States

Join us for Pledge Sunday - March 24, 2024.  This year we are "Committing to Community."  Our home at UUFCC makes it possible for this to happen, because we know that together we can do more than what we can do alone!  What does commitment look like?  What does where we put our money say about us?  Why do we have to pledge anyway?  Rev. Tracy Sprowls will lead us for this very special service.

Event Series Hot Topics

Pardon Project

UUFCC - Sanctuary 780 Waupelani Drive, State College, PA, United States

Across the United States, 1 of 3 adults has a criminal record, and 1 of every 2 children has a parent with a criminal record. Those histories are keeping people – our neighbors – from better jobs, trades, educations, housing, health care, volunteering in their communities, and more. They are keeping families – and whole neighborhoods – in poverty. People change. Records can too! It’s time we stopped letting history hold us back! Across the country, people are now agreeing: If you paid your debt to society, you should be allowed to work. Join us for a presentation by Gopal Balachandran, [...]

Event Series UUFCC Jazz Band Rehearsals

UUFCC Jazz Band Rehearsal

UUFCC - Sanctuary 780 Waupelani Drive, State College, PA, United States

The UUFCC Jazz Band is open to all. Rehearsals occur on Sundays in the Sanctuary, although occasionally the band may rehearse in Room 6 due to major church events. Contact David Morris if interested.

Event Series Sunday Worship

Sunday Service – “Music Sunday”

UUFCC - Sanctuary 780 Waupelani Drive, State College, PA, United States

...with Colleen Kennedy.  This year, Music Sunday falls on St. Patrick's Day. Join the Jazz Band and the Choir as we celebrate all things Celtic. And remember to wear your green!

Event Series Hot Topics

Hot Topics: Housing Crisis in Centre County ~ Panel Discussion

UUFCC - Sanctuary 780 Waupelani Drive, State College, PA, United States

Join us for a dynamic panel discussion about the housing crisis in Centre County! We will use the 2023 Centre County Housing Needs Assessment and stories from people impacted to frame the problem. Then, we will draw insights from local leaders who are on the front lines of the issue, as well as a national perspective from the organization Strong Towns, on how to best address the crisis. Panelists include: Matt Herndon, State College Borough Council member Matt will share his considerable knowledge of the innovative ways housing is being addressed nationally. He will also convey his vision for how the [...]

Event Series UUFCC Jazz Band Rehearsals

UUFCC Jazz Band Rehearsal

UUFCC - Sanctuary 780 Waupelani Drive, State College, PA, United States

The UUFCC Jazz Band is open to all. Rehearsals occur on Sundays in the Sanctuary, although occasionally the band may rehearse in Room 6 due to major church events. Contact David Morris if interested.

Event Series Sunday Worship

Sunday Service – “Fair Trade: Changing Lives Through Conscientious Trade”

UUFCC - Sanctuary 780 Waupelani Drive, State College, PA, United States

...with Cathi Alloway. Learn about the global fair trade movement through the work of the Ten Thousand Villages store in State College. Fair trade strives to eliminate poverty by paying farmers and craftspeople a fair wage for their labor. A sale of fair trade goods will be held after the service

Event Series Song Circle

Song Circle

UUFCC - Sanctuary 780 Waupelani Drive, State College, PA, United States

A regular, informal opportunity to make music together with voices, guitars, banjos, ukuleles, harmonicas, spoons, etc.

Event Series UUFCC Jazz Band Rehearsals

UUFCC Jazz Band Rehearsal

UUFCC - Sanctuary 780 Waupelani Drive, State College, PA, United States

The UUFCC Jazz Band is open to all. Rehearsals occur on Sundays in the Sanctuary, although occasionally the band may rehearse in Room 6 due to major church events. Contact David Morris if interested.

Event Series Sunday Worship

Sunday Service – “Poverty and the Moral Movement”

UUFCC - Sanctuary 780 Waupelani Drive, State College, PA, United States

...with Rev. Tracy Sprowls.  The Poor People's Campaign, headed by Rev. William Barber, is rallying in 32 capitals on March 2. The hope is to draw attention to poverty as the fourth leading cause of death in the USA and to mobilize poor people to vote.

Event Series UUFCC Jazz Band Rehearsals

UUFCC Jazz Band Rehearsal

UUFCC - Sanctuary 780 Waupelani Drive, State College, PA, United States

The UUFCC Jazz Band is open to all. Rehearsals occur on Sundays in the Sanctuary, although occasionally the band may rehearse in Room 6 due to major church events. Contact David Morris if interested.

Event Series Lifespan RE Hour

Being An Ally to the LGBTQ+ Community

UUFCC - Sanctuary 780 Waupelani Drive, State College, PA, United States

In this workshop we will be expand on our first presentation to share concrete and substantive ways of being an Ally to the LGBTQ+ community. This will be a space where we invite you to come as and where you are in your understanding of gender diversity. We hope you’ll bring your questions and a willingness to learn. Pia Smal is an associate teaching professor in Rehabilitation and Human Services and Counselor Education and Supervision at The Pennsylvania State University. She holds a PhD in Counselor Education, a master’s degree in clinical Mental Health Counseling, and a bachelor’s degree in English and Women’s Studies. Clinically, she has worked with a wide [...]

Event Series Sunday Worship

Multigenerational Sunday Service: “Closer to Free to be LGBT+”

UUFCC - Sanctuary 780 Waupelani Drive, State College, PA, United States

This lay-led service will search for wisdom and inspiration in the 35 year struggle for homosexuality to be considered natural and healthy by the medical establishment.  Starting in 1952, a short paragraph in the American Psychiatric Association's influential Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders tragically listed homosexuality as a type of mental disturbance.  Through readings, poetry and music we examine why this happened and the great injustices it caused; and we celebrate and learn from the inspiring history of how a small number of people overcame powerful biases and entrenched institutional forces to prompt removal of homosexuality from the APA’s [...]

(I&D) Multigenerational Drum Circle

UUFCC - Sanctuary 780 Waupelani Drive, State College, PA, United States

All ages and abilities are invited to join the UUFCC drum leaders Tim and Rachel for some audible community creativity with glow sticks and special sound-responsive lighting.  People are encouraged to bring their own portable drums, but there is no requirement to do so, and we will have some spares on hand. More details found at: tinyurl.com/LFestDrumming24 This event is part of the Imagine & Dream Lantern Festival 2024. See webguide at: UUFCC.com/imagine-dream Gallery of event flyers at: tinyurl.com/LFestFlyers24 All-ages Fellowship and Community events to celebrate and grow our abilities to imagine, dream, and create positive change

Event Series UUFCC Jazz Band Rehearsals

UUFCC Jazz Band Rehearsal

UUFCC - Sanctuary 780 Waupelani Drive, State College, PA, United States

The UUFCC Jazz Band is open to all. Rehearsals occur on Sundays in the Sanctuary, although occasionally the band may rehearse in Room 6 due to major church events. Contact David Morris if interested.

Event Series Song Circle

Song Circle – Songs About Freedom

UUFCC - Sanctuary 780 Waupelani Drive, State College, PA, United States

UUFCC members and friends of all ages are encouraged to join Song Circle strummers and singers for an informal 'Songs About Freedom' -themed sing-along that will feature a wide range of perspectives on freedom, including a set of Civil Rights Era protest songs selected by Music Director Colleen. See the Song Circle website for the latest details.

Event Series UUFCC Jazz Band Rehearsals

UUFCC Jazz Band Rehearsal

UUFCC - Sanctuary 780 Waupelani Drive, State College, PA, United States

The UUFCC Jazz Band is open to all. Rehearsals occur on Sundays in the Sanctuary, although occasionally the band may rehearse in Room 6 due to major church events. Contact David Morris if interested.

Jazz Band Dance Night: “Dance – Dance – Dance!”

UUFCC - Sanctuary 780 Waupelani Drive, State College, PA, United States

Come to the Valentine's Dance with live music by the UUFCC Jazz Band. 16-piece band plays Swing, Rock, Latin, Funk - Very Danceable! All ages welcome. Bring your friends, your family, and your dancing shoes! Admission is FREE with a donation of nonperishable food or cash to the Food Bank. Light refreshments will be provided. Click here for the full poster for this event. This is one event in the series of events that make up the 2024 UUFCC IMAGINE & DREAM Lantern Festival Program.  More information at tinyurl.com/JazzDance24.

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