Event Series Movie Nights

Movie Night – ‘Cured’ a documentary by Bennett Singer and Patrick Sammon (2020)

Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Centre County 780 Waupelani Drive, State College, PA, United States

Members and friends are invited to join a screening and discussion of this award-winning documentary which examines a pivotal success of the gay rights movement that took place in 1973.  This story will also be featured in the IMAGINE & DREAM worship service on February 25.  Further details at:  UUFCC.com/imagine-dream.

Canceled Valentine Party for Afghan Families

UUFCC - Fellowship Hall 780 Waupelani Drive, State College, PA, United States

This will be a potluck supper -- they will bring food, as well as any of you who would like to join us. To better involve the children, there will be a Valentine Tree set up in the UU Foyer with a heart for each child, with the child''s name, age, and gift suggestion under $20. You are invited to choose a heart, get the gift, and bring it, wrapped with the tag attached when you come to the party, along with a dish to share. Your children are especially invited. Please RSVP to suesmith1288@gmail.com

Event Series Lunch with Tracy

Lunch with Tracy

Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Centre County 780 Waupelani Drive, State College, PA, United States

Bring your lunch and hang out with Rev. Tracy for an hour of conversation. All ages are welcome!

Jazz Band Dance Night: “Dance – Dance – Dance!”

UUFCC - Sanctuary 780 Waupelani Drive, State College, PA, United States

Come to the Valentine's Dance with live music by the UUFCC Jazz Band. 16-piece band plays Swing, Rock, Latin, Funk - Very Danceable! All ages welcome. Bring your friends, your family, and your dancing shoes! Admission is FREE with a donation of nonperishable food or cash to the Food Bank. Light refreshments will be provided. Click here for the full poster for this event. This is one event in the series of events that make up the 2024 UUFCC IMAGINE & DREAM Lantern Festival Program.  More information at tinyurl.com/JazzDance24.

Centre County Interfaith Coalition for Gun Safety

UUFCC - Fellowship Hall 780 Waupelani Drive, State College, PA, United States

The Centre County Interfaith Coalition for Gun Safety is an alliance of local religious leaders and community members committed to building a peaceful society free from preventable gun violence. Through our work, we educate on issues related to gun violence, advocate for responsible and safe gun ownership, and unite with local, state, and federal officials on matters of gun safety that benefit the whole community.

Event Series Fellowship Supper

Fellowship Supper

UUFCC - Fellowship Hall 780 Waupelani Drive, State College, PA, United States

Join us for a community potluck each month in Fellowship Hall! This is a wonderful time out to connect with UUFCC friends, eat a delicious meal, and celebrate birthdays of the month.

Event Series Chat Cafe with the Board

Chat Cafe with the Board

UUFCC - Room A 780 Waupelani Drive, State College, PA, United States

Come share your thoughts, concerns, and questions with our UUFCC Board members! They desire to be transparent in all their decision-making and would love to hear feedback, input, and just engage in conversation with you.

(I&D) Imagine with Beans Vegetarian Potluck Dinner

UUFCC - Fellowship Hall 780 Waupelani Drive, State College, PA, United States

Imagine with Beans Vegetarian Potluck Dinner   +  The congregation and their friends are invited   +  We encourage people to bring a vegetarian dish of their choice to share   +  Fill out provided labels for major allergens   +  There will be some information and activity tables on the theme   +  Some drinks provided; BYO okay   +  Youth group fundraiser will offer some dessert options. More details may be found at:  tinyurl.com/VegPotluck24 This event is part of the Imagine & Dream Lantern Festival 2024. See webguide at: UUFCC.com/imagine-dream Gallery of event flyers at: tinyurl.com/LFestFlyers24 All-ages Fellowship and Community events [...]

IMAGINE & DREAM Lantern Festival 2024 (I&D)

Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Centre County 780 Waupelani Drive, State College, PA, United States

This event spans Saturday and Sunday (Feb 24 - 25). Webguide at: UUFCC.com/imagine-dream Gallery of event flyers at: tinyurl.com/LFestFlyers24 All-ages Fellowship and Community events to celebrate and grow our abilities to imagine, dream, and create positive change. IMAGINE like John Lennon, DREAM like Martin Luther King Jr. Rekindle your dreams! Saturday Activities Imagine with Beans Potluck Dinner, 5:30-6:30 pm Imagine with Drums Drumming Circle, 6:45-8:15 pm Lantern-Making Activities & Religious Exploration UUseum Stations, 6:30-8:15 pm Community-Built Lantern Garden, 6:30-8:40 pm Lantern Walk, 8:15-8:40 pm Youth Group DIY-Music Meetup, 8:45-10:00 pm Sunday Activities Multigen Sunday Service: "Closer to be Free to be [...]

(I&D) Lantern-Making Activities & Religious Exploration UUseum Stations

Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Centre County 780 Waupelani Drive, State College, PA, United States

This event is part of the Imagine & Dream Lantern Festival 2024. See webguide at: UUFCC.com/imagine-dream Gallery of event flyers at: tinyurl.com/LFestFlyers24 All-ages Fellowship and Community events to celebrate and grow our abilities to imagine, dream, and create positive change

(I&D) Community-built Lantern Garden

Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Centre County 780 Waupelani Drive, State College, PA, United States

This event is part of the Imagine & Dream Lantern Festival 2024. See webguide at: UUFCC.com/imagine-dream Gallery of event flyers at: tinyurl.com/LFestFlyers24 All-ages Fellowship and Community events to celebrate and grow our abilities to imagine, dream, and create positive change

(I&D) Multigenerational Drum Circle

UUFCC - Sanctuary 780 Waupelani Drive, State College, PA, United States

All ages and abilities are invited to join the UUFCC drum leaders Tim and Rachel for some audible community creativity with glow sticks and special sound-responsive lighting.  People are encouraged to bring their own portable drums, but there is no requirement to do so, and we will have some spares on hand. More details found at: tinyurl.com/LFestDrumming24 This event is part of the Imagine & Dream Lantern Festival 2024. See webguide at: UUFCC.com/imagine-dream Gallery of event flyers at: tinyurl.com/LFestFlyers24 All-ages Fellowship and Community events to celebrate and grow our abilities to imagine, dream, and create positive change

(I&D) Lantern Walk

Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Centre County 780 Waupelani Drive, State College, PA, United States

This event is part of the Imagine & Dream Lantern Festival 2024. See webguide at: UUFCC.com/imagine-dream Gallery of event flyers at: tinyurl.com/LFestFlyers24 All-ages Fellowship and Community events to celebrate and grow our abilities to imagine, dream, and create positive change

(I&D) Youth Group DIY Music Meetup

Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Centre County 780 Waupelani Drive, State College, PA, United States

This event is part of the Imagine & Dream Lantern Festival 2024. See webguide at: UUFCC.com/imagine-dream Gallery of event flyers at: tinyurl.com/LFestFlyers24 All-ages Fellowship and Community events to celebrate and grow our abilities to imagine, dream, and create positive change

Event Series Lifespan RE Hour

Being An Ally to the LGBTQ+ Community

UUFCC - Sanctuary 780 Waupelani Drive, State College, PA, United States

In this workshop we will be expand on our first presentation to share concrete and substantive ways of being an Ally to the LGBTQ+ community. This will be a space where we invite you to come as and where you are in your understanding of gender diversity. We hope you’ll bring your questions and a willingness to learn. Pia Smal is an associate teaching professor in Rehabilitation and Human Services and Counselor Education and Supervision at The Pennsylvania State University. She holds a PhD in Counselor Education, a master’s degree in clinical Mental Health Counseling, and a bachelor’s degree in English and Women’s Studies. Clinically, she has worked with a wide [...]

What Can I Do About Gun Violence? A Panel Discussion

Schlow Library 211 S. Allen Street, State College, Pennsylvania

Many of us know how we feel about gun violence, are appalled by the tragedy of it all, and want to know what to do about it. We have assembled a panel of speakers to address just that issue. Our event will feature a guided discussion with a moderator, followed by an open Q&A period with the audience. Panelists will be prepared to help us - learn how to keep kids safe from gun violence - work with those struggling with mental health and the threat of gun violence - take legislative action on gun violence, and - think about the [...]

Palestinians and Israelis: What does the future hold?

Municipal Building 243 South Allen St, State College, PA, United States

This is a public non-UUFCC event that is recommended by the UUFCC Racial Justice Committee. There seems to be no end in sight to the war on Gaza. Why do some perceive it as a war by a settler colonial power while others see it as a war against terrorists? State College was the first city in PA to adopt a resolution calling for a cease fire in Gaza. Join the editors of the Palestine/Israel Review, a groundbreaking scholarly journal published by Penn State, for a thoughtful discussion of the future of Palestine/Israel. All members of the State College community are [...]

Poor People’s Campaign ~ Harrisburg

Meet at UUFCC at 9:30 am to carpool to Harrisburg for the Poor People's Campaign. The Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival is uniting people across Pennsylvania to challenge the evils of systemic racism, poverty, the war economy, ecological devastation and the nation’s distorted morality of religious nationalism.  

Centre County Interfaith Coalition for Gun Safety

UUFCC - Fellowship Hall 780 Waupelani Drive, State College, PA, United States

The Centre County Interfaith Coalition for Gun Safety is an alliance of local religious leaders and community members committed to building a peaceful society free from preventable gun violence. Through our work, we educate on issues related to gun violence, advocate for responsible and safe gun ownership, and unite with local, state, and federal officials on matters of gun safety that benefit the whole community.

Event Series Hot Topics

Pardon Project

UUFCC - Sanctuary 780 Waupelani Drive, State College, PA, United States

Across the United States, 1 of 3 adults has a criminal record, and 1 of every 2 children has a parent with a criminal record. Those histories are keeping people – our neighbors – from better jobs, trades, educations, housing, health care, volunteering in their communities, and more. They are keeping families – and whole neighborhoods – in poverty. People change. Records can too! It’s time we stopped letting history hold us back! Across the country, people are now agreeing: If you paid your debt to society, you should be allowed to work. Join us for a presentation by Gopal Balachandran, [...]

Osaze’s Heart Scholarship Fundraiser

This is a public non-UUFCC event that is recommended by the UUFCC Racial Justice Committee. You are invited to attend a scholarship fundraiser dinner supporting community-minded college-bound students at SCASD:   Osaze’s Heart Scholarship Fundraiser State College Access Church 3601 S. Atherton St. Tuesday, March 19 @ 4:30 pm   REGISTER to attend the dinner: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfUMSjd-plv3LX0Ni9pOeLq7J84eNkcBD9vrsD2S6uBMEXp4A/viewform Can’t attend or want to make a Direct Donations to Osaze’s Heart Community Service Scholarship at Center Foundation: https://centre-foundation.org/funds/osazes-heart

Event Series Fellowship Supper

Fellowship Supper

UUFCC - Fellowship Hall 780 Waupelani Drive, State College, PA, United States

Join us for a community potluck each month in Fellowship Hall! This is a wonderful time out to connect with UUFCC friends, eat a delicious meal, and celebrate birthdays of the month.

Letter Writing Campaigns – 03-24-24

UUFCC - Community Room 780 Waupelani Drive, State College, PA, United States

End Gun Violence - Please join us in the Community Room right after the service for our End Gun Violence letter writing campaign. We will be writing to our PA state senators to get current gun legislation out of committee and onto the floor for a vote. Our goal is to send 40 letters from our congregation! Food Not Missiles - Peace in Gaza! Food not Missiles! Cease fire! Please join in sup- port of an interfaith letter-writing campaign to our Congressional Representative Glenn Thompson. Find all the information and talking points you need to write a letter to Rep. Thompson [...]

State College Choral Society’s 75th Anniversary Concert: Haydn’s Creation

State College Area High School Performance Hall 650 Westerly Pkwy, State College, PA, United States

This is a non-UUFCC event, in which several UUFCC members will be performing! Featuring: Laura Choi Stewart, soprano Jacob Wilde, tenor Timothy LeFebvre, baritone State High Master Singers Pennsylvania Chamber Orchestra Join us for this dramatic oratorio as we conclude our 75th Diamond Anniversary season. This concert will be the final concert conducted by Dr. Russ Shelley, Artistic Director for the past 25 years.

Centre County Interfaith Coalition for Gun Safety

UUFCC - Fellowship Hall 780 Waupelani Drive, State College, PA, United States

The Centre County Interfaith Coalition for Gun Safety is an alliance of local religious leaders and community members committed to building a peaceful society free from preventable gun violence. Through our work, we educate on issues related to gun violence, advocate for responsible and safe gun ownership, and unite with local, state, and federal officials on matters of gun safety that benefit the whole community.

Event Series Fellowship Supper

Fellowship Supper

UUFCC - Fellowship Hall 780 Waupelani Drive, State College, PA, United States

Join us for a community potluck each month in Fellowship Hall! This is a wonderful time out to connect with UUFCC friends, eat a delicious meal, and celebrate birthdays of the month.

Building a Culture of Inclusion: Workshop with Paula Cole Jones Day 1

This is Day 1 of the Workshop held over Zoom. Anyone is welcome to join in a group Zoom in Room 6 at the Fellowship Friday and Saturday for this workshop. We, Unitarian Universalists, are called to build the Beloved Community.  To do that, UUs must attend to the unfinished business of dismantling racism and oppression in our congregations and Association and with our community partners.  How do we stand in solidarity with the social movements of our times and how do they change us? How do we help to preserve and strengthen a multicultural democracy in this country? This workshop [...]

Community Event ~ CPAU Presents Documentary Screening: No Way Home

University Baptist and Brethren Church 411 S Burrowes St, State College, PA, United States

Please note: you can attend this event either in person or virtually. Join CPAU on April 19th at 7:00 pm at University Baptist & Brethren Church for the release of No Way Home, a documentary depicting a mother's poignant journey to reunite her family and end mandatory life without parole in Pennsylvania. Witness the story of Lorraine Haw, affectionately known as Mrs. Dee Dee, as she navigates the aftermath of gun violence in Philadelphia. From the loss of her brother to a fatal altercation over a gold necklace to her son's heartbreaking sentence, Mrs. Dee Dee's narrative sheds light on the [...]

Annual Spring Creek Cleanup 2024

Spring Creek Park 935 Houserville Rd, State College, PA, United States

Please join the UUFCC volunteers, 8:30am till 11am at the Spring Creek Park parking lot off Houserville Rd. Children are welcome! ClearWater Conservancy sponsors this event and provides garbage bags and  gloves, but you will be better off bringing your own gloves if you have them; also tick spray, and a hat you can spray and wear. To sign up or if you have questions, contact Dorothy Blair: 814-360-0610 (text or call). With precautions, Dorothy has not gotten ticks, working at this task, for 20 years. Or simply shower afterwards.

Building a Culture of Inclusion: Workshop with Paula Cole Jones Day 2

This is Day 2 of the Workshop held over Zoom. Anyone is welcome to join in a group Zoom in Room 6 at the Fellowship Friday and Saturday for this workshop. We, Unitarian Universalists, are called to build the Beloved Community.  To do that, UUs must attend to the unfinished business of dismantling racism and oppression in our congregations and Association and with our community partners.  How do we stand in solidarity with the social movements of our times and how do they change us? How do we help to preserve and strengthen a multicultural democracy in this country? This workshop [...]

Freedom Seder 2024

UUFCC - Sanctuary 780 Waupelani Drive, State College, PA, United States

Come to hear the Passover story, celebrate freedom, and eat a great meal. Come to affirm our first principle, a belief in the inherent worth and dignity of every person. Come with your family and friends to share fellowship. Reserve your spot at the Seder now (last day to RSVP is April 15)! RSVP link: https://uufcc.breezechms.com/form/seder24 Want to contribute to the Seder? Sign up to help here: https://bit.ly/sederhelp24

At Your Service Auction 2024 Mardi Gras

Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Centre County 780 Waupelani Drive, State College, PA, United States

Mardi Gras in May Auction is in need of your Time, Talent and Treasures. The UUFCC will be hosting the annual Auction online starting April 28th with a transition to a live event May 4th at 6:00 pm. Click here to register for the online portion of the Auction. Donate your time, talent, and treasures by filling out this form and dropping it in the box at the fellowship or emailing it and any questions to uufccauction@gmail.com. You can also check with local businesses or friends to see if they would like to donate as well. Childcare will be provided and [...]

Event Series Chat Cafe with the Board

Chat Cafe with the Board

UUFCC - Room A 780 Waupelani Drive, State College, PA, United States

Come share your thoughts, concerns, and questions with our UUFCC Board members! They desire to be transparent in all their decision-making and would love to hear feedback, input, and just engage in conversation with you.

Community Event – End Gun Violence Advocacy Day and Carpooling

End Gun Violence Advocacy Day Last year, 500 Pennsylvanians descended on Harrisburg, demanding an end to gun violence. Soon after, the first bipartisan policies in years passed the PA House. Join us on Tuesday, May 7th as we continue our life-saving work, use this link to register https://act.ceasefirepa.org/a/advocacyday24?ms=CCIC4GS. Schedule: 9:00 - 9:30 AM: Arrive in Harrisburg, Check-In 10:00 - 11:45 AM: Advocacy Meetings & Drop-Bys with Legislative Offices (meetings scheduled on your behalf) 12:00 - 1:00 PM: End Gun Violence Rally/Press Event on the Front Steps of the Capitol (tentative timing) Carpooling: Meet at UUFCC at 7:15 am to carpool down [...]

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