Events for February 23 - February 4

Event Series Folk Dancers

Folk Dancers

UUFCC - Community Room 780 Waupelani Drive, State College, PA, United States

Please join this group of folks passionate about dancing to international folk music. Explore different cultures through music and dance. *On 3rd Thursdays we ends at 5:30PM (in time for Fellowship Supper).

Event Series Educational Justice League

Educational Justice League

UUFCC - Room B 780 Waupelani Drive, State College, PA, United States

EJL’s mission is to establish a powerful social justice coalition that actively advocates for and promotes equity for marginalized populations. We are committed to addressing the unique challenges faced by communities of color, individuals who identify as women, LGBTQ+ individuals, promoting accessibility for people with disabilities, respecting and supporting individuals of all religions, and bridging the socioeconomic gap through equitable education.

Event Series Green Sanctuary Committee

Canceled Climate Justice Revival – “Reimagine Together From An Extractive Age To A New Era”

Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Centre County 780 Waupelani Drive, State College, PA, United States

This event has been canceled. The Sunday Service and action tabling will continue on Sunday, September 29th, starting at 10 AM. If you are interested in this topic, you can learn more by attending the service and events afterwards. --- Join us for a national UU Climate Justice Revival offering inspiring collective worship, creative learning, and new frameworks at the intersection of climate and justice, and the chance to weave together the threads that have always linked our deepest commitments. The UU Climate Justice Revival will equip UU congregations to enter into a new era of climate action—one that intentionally and [...]

Event Series Sunday Worship

Sunday Service – “Climate Justice Revival”

UUFCC - Sanctuary 780 Waupelani Drive, State College, PA, United States

Our congregation is joining UUs across the land to revive our commitment to climate justice. September 28, 2024 -  Interactive workshops for all ages September 29, 2024 - Worship followed by an advocacy hour This is an all-church and all-ages event. All of us will learn new frameworks at the intersection of climate and justice and have the chance to weave together the threads that have always linked our deepest commitments.

UUFCC Resilience and Acceptance Discussion Group

UUFCC - Room B 780 Waupelani Drive, State College, PA, United States

The participants of the UUFCC Resilience and Acceptance in the Face of Collapse course (which met from October 2023-February 2024) would like to invite UUFCC members and others to participate in the UUFCC Resilience and Acceptance Discussion Group. The purpose of this group is to create a safe and stimulating space for exploring resilience and acceptance in the face of the collapse of modern civilization and for supporting each other in making changes in our lives and communities to lessen the impact of collapse. “Resilience” includes both the capacity within each of us to allow and stay with difficult emotions while [...]

Event Series UUFCC Jazz Band Rehearsals

UUFCC Jazz Band Rehearsal

Foxdale Upstairs Room 500 E Marylyn Ave, State College, United States

The UUFCC Jazz Band is open to all. Rehearsals occur on Sundays in the Sanctuary, although occasionally the band may rehearse in Room 6 due to major church events. Contact David Morris if interested.

Contact Info

UUFCC, 780 Waupelani Dr, State College, PA 16801

Phone: +1 (814) 237-7605

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