Events for February 23 - February 4

Event Series Educational Justice League

Educational Justice League

UUFCC - Room B 780 Waupelani Drive, State College, PA, United States

EJL’s mission is to establish a powerful social justice coalition that actively advocates for and promotes equity for marginalized populations. We are committed to addressing the unique challenges faced by communities of color, individuals who identify as women, LGBTQ+ individuals, promoting accessibility for people with disabilities, respecting and supporting individuals of all religions, and bridging the socioeconomic gap through equitable education.

Event Series RE Kids and Youth

RE Pre-K/K: “I Can Pretend”

UUFCC - Gathering Space and Room D 780 Waupelani Drive, State College, PA, United States

Each week our kids will gather to explore our world in light of our UU values. Pre-K/K friends will engage in guided exploration of various topics with their wonderful teachers. Sue Smith and Rocky Landers, downstairs in Room D.

Event Series Sunday Worship

Sunday Service – “Inhabiting Our Freedom Dreams”

UUFCC - Sanctuary 780 Waupelani Drive, State College, PA, United States

...with Rev. Tracy Sprowls. Side with Love is the Unitarian Universalist Association’s public advocacy organization that seeks to harness love’s power to stop oppression. Each year around this time they run the 30 days of love campaign. The theme this year is Inhabiting our Freedom Dreams. What's this look like in 2025? Today we celebrate Scout’s Day, usually celebrated on Feb 8. Wear your scout uniform! 

Event Series Green Sanctuary Committee

Green Sanctuary

Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Centre County 780 Waupelani Drive, State College, PA, United States

Our goal is to maintain and enhance the UUFCC's green sanctuary certification by promoting ecojustice and the environmental practices that make ecojustice possible. We do this through projects at the UUFCC and in the broader community, focusing on renewable energy, and promoting the use of sustainable food, green transportation, and clean water.

Event Series Lifespan RE Hour

Mosaic: Fostering Belonging and Liberation – 1/4 “Mixing and Huddling”

UUFCC - Room 6 780 Waupelani Drive, State College, PA, United States

Session 1: "Mixing and Huddling" If you are able to, please read the following before attending this session: The Wisdom of Caucusing for People of Color A Love Letter to White Unitarian Universalists regarding Cultural Competence and Appropriation This is a new anti-racism curriculum curated by the UUA to help Unitarian Universalist congregations further their work of dismantling oppression. The 4 sessions will address identity caucusing, the history of racism in Unitarian Universalism, anti-racism, and white entitlement. Led by trained facilitators and organized by the Racial Justice Committee. Contact Suzanne Weinstein or Laura Liermann for more information. Sign-up for any of [...]

Event Series UUFCC Jazz Band Rehearsals

UUFCC Jazz Band Rehearsal

UUFCC - Sanctuary 780 Waupelani Drive, State College, PA, United States

The UUFCC Jazz Band is open to all. Rehearsals occur on Sundays in the Sanctuary, although occasionally the band may rehearse in Room 6 due to major church events. Contact David Morris if interested.

Contact Info

UUFCC, 780 Waupelani Dr, State College, PA 16801

Phone: +1 (814) 237-7605

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