Sunday Service – “The Sacred Dimension of Being Human”
UUFCC - Sanctuary 780 Waupelani Drive, State CollegeOWL for 4th-9th Grade
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Centre County 780 Waupelani Drive, State CollegeWeek of Events
Child Care
RE Middle School Class (6th-8th Grade)
RE Middle School Class (6th-8th Grade)
Session Four: Inviting in Spiritual Practice (Chalice Lighting & Covenant Making) from September packet
RE 1st-5th Grade Class
RE Pre-K/Kindergarten Class
RE Pre-K/Kindergarten Class
Each week our kids will gather to explore our world in light of our UU values. Pre-K/K friends will engage in guided exploration of various topics with their wonderful teachers. Sue Smith and Rocky Landers, downstairs in Room D.
Sunday Service – “The Sacred Dimension of Being Human”
Sunday Service – “The Sacred Dimension of Being Human”
...with Rev. Tracy Sprowls. I think there is a connection between our spiritual lives and the strength of our community. I am defining spiritual here as relating to or affecting the human spirit. I also look at spiritual as where I put my focus. Going into the new year, let’s explore the depth of our spiritual lives and the potential we can tap into by doing so.
OWL for 4th-9th Grade
OWL for 4th-9th Grade
Our Whole Lives (OWL), is a comprehensive sexuality education program that is a signature curriculum of the UUA and the United Church of Christ. It is a life-saving course that helps kids explore their values around their bodies, identities, relationships, health, and justice and equity. They engage in highly interactive activities and discussions which give them age-appropriate information and decision-making skills so that they can feel empowered to stand up for themselves and others and navigate relationships according to their values. 4th-5th grade - Workshop 8: Decisions and Actions 7th-8th grade - Workshop 16, 17, 18: Redefining Abstinence, Lovemaking, Consent Education
UU Wellspring: Love At the Center
UU Wellspring: Love At the Center
UU Wellspring is a national UUA program which focuses on spiritual deepening in a small group setting. Rev Tracy will lead this small group where we will engage in an in-depth exploration of our shared faith by looking at our values and covenant statements which are our aspirational hopes for how we want to live our lives. We will engage in experiences that help us explore how we are in relationship to one another in diverse communities as well as our relationship with the whole world. Watch this video for an overview of this exciting program: The five centers of [...]
UUFCC Jazz Band Rehearsal
UUFCC Jazz Band Rehearsal
The UUFCC Jazz Band is open to all. Rehearsals occur on Sundays in the Sanctuary, although occasionally the band may rehearse in Room 6 due to major church events. Contact David Morris if interested.
Meditation Monday
Meditation Monday
Open to the public. Join Kelle Kersten on Zoom for a guided meditation during your lunch to center yourself for the coming week! Click here to join the Zoom meeting.
CCIC4GS – CALM Training with Marisa Vicere
CCIC4GS – CALM Training with Marisa Vicere
Collaboration on Access to Lethal Means (CALM) We are excited to invite Marisa Vicere from the Jana Marie Foundation back for a CALM Conversations training on Monday, January 13th from 3:00 - 4:30. We’ll have a brief CCIC4GS update and the move quickly into the training. During the training, you will learn the signs and symptoms of suicide and how to engage in conversations to create safe environments. The training provides steps on how to collaborate with friends, family members, neighbors, and others, to implement safe storage of firearms and medications. To learn more about CALM, click here. Why CALM training? Guns [...]
Folk Dancers
Folk Dancers
Please join this group of folks passionate about dancing to international folk music. Explore different cultures through music and dance. *On 3rd Thursdays we ends at 5:30PM (in time for Fellowship Supper).
Community Event – “Tipping Points and the Big Picture on Climate and Energy”
Community Event – “Tipping Points and the Big Picture on Climate and Energy”
Dr. Richard Alley, an Evan Pugh University Professor in the Department of Geosciences and leader of the Penn State Ice and Climate Research Center, will present a talk on Tuesday, January 14 at 7 pm at Foxdale. The well-documented risk of climate change is the potential of crossing thresholds called tipping points, which could trigger rapid, irreversible changes. Dr. Alley will describe potential tipping points and discuss the benefits of transitioning to a sustainable energy system in avoiding these thresholds. This lecture is open to the public.
Caring Committee
Lunch with Tracy
Lunch with Tracy
Enjoy lunch with Rev Tracy and bring whatever topic you'd like to chat about! Open to all ages. Bring your own lunch.
Racial Justice Committee
Game Nights
Auction Committee Meeting
Auction Committee Meeting
Join the Auction Committee and help with the annual Service Auction. This year's Service Auction is on March 1st @ 6:00 PM! Committee meeting Zoom link - click here.
Finance and Stewardship Committee
Memoirs Group
Folk Dancers
Folk Dancers
Please join this group of folks passionate about dancing to international folk music. Explore different cultures through music and dance. *On 3rd Thursdays we ends at 5:30PM (in time for Fellowship Supper).
Fellowship Supper
Fellowship Supper
Join us for a community potluck each month in Fellowship Hall! This is a wonderful time out to connect with UUFCC friends, eat a delicious meal, and celebrate birthdays of the month.
AA Meeting for Women
UUFCC Choir Rehearsal
UUFCC Choir Rehearsal
Performs for hymns and extra music during Sunday Services three times a month.
Rev. Tracy at Foxdale
Rev. Tracy at Foxdale
Rev. Tracy visits with the residents of Foxdale on the third Friday of each month. The meetings are free-flowing conversations on topics ranging from Unitarian Universalism to local news and world issues.
Educational Justice League
Educational Justice League
EJL’s mission is to establish a powerful social justice coalition that actively advocates for and promotes equity for marginalized populations. We are committed to addressing the unique challenges faced by communities of color, individuals who identify as women, LGBTQ+ individuals, promoting accessibility for people with disabilities, respecting and supporting individuals of all religions, and bridging the socioeconomic gap through equitable education.