RE Pre-K through 5th Grade – Multi-generational Sunday Service
UUFCC - Sanctuary 780 Waupelani Drive, State CollegeWeek of Events
Child Care
RE Pre-K through 5th Grade – Multi-generational Sunday Service
RE Pre-K through 5th Grade – Multi-generational Sunday Service
All ages are invited into the Sanctuary for our Multi-generational services. December 15 - Holiday Play January 19 - MLK Service February 2 - Scouts Service April 20 - Easter Service May 18 - RE Sunday June 1 - Flower Celebration
Sunday Service – “What Would Martin Do?”
Sunday Service – “What Would Martin Do?”
...with Rev. Tracy Sprowls. In this intergenerational service we contemplate the lives of MLK Jr and other leaders, like former President Jimmy Carter, who led from a spiritual center.
Transitions – LRE Hour Class led by Rev Tracy
Transitions – LRE Hour Class led by Rev Tracy
We face transitions all the time from getting up in the morning after a night's rest to retiring from a job we loved to losing a loved one. Transitions are everywhere and they are everyday. What questions do you carry with you for those life changing transitions? What hopes or fears find their way into your consciousness? What can you offer others as they face their own transitions? This is a time to connect deeply and richly about the transitions, good and bad, in our lives. Sign up here:
UUFCC Jazz Band Rehearsal
UUFCC Jazz Band Rehearsal
The UUFCC Jazz Band is open to all. Rehearsals occur on Sundays in the Sanctuary, although occasionally the band may rehearse in Room 6 due to major church events. Contact David Morris if interested.
Meditation Monday
Meditation Monday
Open to the public. Join Kelle Kersten on Zoom for a guided meditation during your lunch to center yourself for the coming week! Click here to join the Zoom meeting.
Folk Dancers
Folk Dancers
Please join this group of folks passionate about dancing to international folk music. Explore different cultures through music and dance. *On 3rd Thursdays we ends at 5:30PM (in time for Fellowship Supper).
Board of Trustees
Game Nights
Soulful Sundown – “Nurturing Resilience in a Challenging Time”
Soulful Sundown – “Nurturing Resilience in a Challenging Time”
...with Virginia Hubbs. We all face challenges at different times of our lives — personal, cultural and spiritual. Such challenges can range from a national pandemic such as COVID to dealing with the loss of a loved one or pet, to personal illness, and more. This service will help us to find the spiritual resilience to face such challenges when they come our way.
Women’s Book Club
Women’s Book Club
We are a women's book club that meet on the fourth Wednesday of every month at 7:00 PM. We choose our books once a year, and the person who recommends the book generally leads the discussion. The group is hosted by a different member each month. New members and visitors are welcome at any meeting. This month's book is:
Folk Dancers
Folk Dancers
Please join this group of folks passionate about dancing to international folk music. Explore different cultures through music and dance. *On 3rd Thursdays we ends at 5:30PM (in time for Fellowship Supper).
Music Committee
AA Meeting for Women
UUFCC Choir Rehearsal
UUFCC Choir Rehearsal
Performs for hymns and extra music during Sunday Services three times a month.
Middle School Hangout
Middle School Hangout
Middle School youth are invited for a monthly hangout to begin Nov 23! The youth will meet downstairs at the UU in the Gathering Space from 5-7 pm and play games, eat pizza, and just have fun. If you are a parent who would like to volunteer one month to sign up and plan to stay at the Fellowship during the hangout so that there are two adults present and to bring pizza for that month, please sign-up here: